A 5-Minute Practice that Can Change Your Life

I STRUGGLED a lot when I was building my last company.

Internal struggles: fear of failure, self-doubt, feeling alone.

But somewhere along the way, I learned to make a DAILY CHOICE that would change my life.

That choice was GRATITUDE. 

A commitment actually, to practicing gratitude. Every day. 

Because the stakes are high when we put our sweat, blood, and tears into building something we believe is meaningful. 

We can get lost in the uncertainty, paralyzed in the not knowing.

In those moments, gratitude is the solid ground where we find our feet again. Where we can catch our breath and be with everything we are feeling, no matter what it is.

Gratitude gives us the opportunity to pause for long enough to appreciate what we already have, what we've done, and what we’ve learned, even if there are monumental challenges ahead.

And gratitude also does something more.

It gives us the opportunity to appreciate challenge and uncertainty ITSELF. By reminding us that who we become in the face of challenge and uncertainty is what makes the journey meaningful.

The gratitude practice that changed my life takes less than 5 minutes each day. You can choose from the following:

  1. Write down what or who we are grateful for ALREADY having. 

  2. Write down why we are grateful for challenges we CURRENTLY face.

  3. Email, message, or tell someone in-person why we are grateful for them.

Here’s the thing: we don’t have to wait for gratitude to magically happen. 

We can choose it, commit to it, practice it. Everyday. It can change everything.

Reflection Questions:

  1. How often do I look around to remember what I’m grateful for? What’s stopping me?

  2. How often do I choose to express gratitude to others? What’s stopping me?

  3. What possibilities could exist if I committed to practicing gratitude?


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